Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Best Weekend of my life

Well School is much easier than I expected. My last two finals I got a 95 and a 100. I am very proud of this result but I would have to say that GWU is much harder. What I have not gotten from class I have picked up in Spanish. I speak every night at dinner for over an hour with my homestay mother. My homestay mother, Montse, is probably the best part of Barcelona for me. She treats me as a a son and even took me to the hospital late one night when I had food poisoning. Anyways, I went to Brussels and Amsterdam this weekend. I flew out with a group of friends to Brussels. From the airport, in Brussels, 3 of my friends, Hannah, and I rented a car. I was the only driver because I was the only one with an international driver's license. Brussels is an incredible city great food, wonderful bars, and amazing architecture. Along the way, I was able to see the famous Coudenberg Palace and the EU Headquarters. I also remembered to stop at the bar Delirium to have a beer from their expansive, 2,000, beer selection. Later that day we drove to a small town outside of Hasselt. The population of our town was 10,000 people and if you combined that with the 40,000 people of Hasselt that would be the entire population for a very long drive. After a quick nap we got ready for Sensation White, a concert we planned in advance to go to. All I can say about Sensation is Sensation was an incredible experience. We then woke up earlier to embark on the two hour drive to Amsterdam. Amsterdam is an old city with an incredible culture and history. Needless to say this trip left me exhausted. So for now that is all I have. 

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