Thursday, January 20, 2011

Parc Guell & Other occurences

Today I went to Parc Guell. Park Guell is home to the house of the famous architect Antoni Gaudi. In the park Gaudi has created some buildings and sculptures in his famous modernismo technique. I also was able to attend a FCB Barcelona game. The Camp Nou stadium is the largest stadium in Europe and you can tell by just the noise level. It is said that the soccer team in barcelona is "more than a soccer team." It is in fact also a political statement of Catalan independence. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jan 13

Today I finished up my orientation at IES. It was alright but not the most exciting thing. I also went with hannah to the Sagrada Familia which was amazing. The church, although under construction, was one of the most beautiful and most unique churches I have been in. We went to the top by elevator, because I was not climbing over 400 steps, and took in the amazing views of barcelona. Later in the day I completed a scavenger hunt which was given to the students by IES. It turned out to be very exciting and educational as I explored the city with a friend for over 2 hours. Tonight I am going to take a night off from the bars and go to a movie near the port.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Today is the Day

I have finished all my errands that need to be done before I go abroad. I am currently watching TV and hoping that I can somehow watch some of the NFL playoff games. Yes, I know I have a bad obsession. I am a little bit anxious about my trip but I am also excited. I fly from Fort Lauderdale to Newark then to Barcelona. Adios United States.